The Cheddar


I’ve been on a quest. Sometimes it is two steps forward, one step back. The important thing is to keep moving: Giving up is not a viable option for me.

I have a goal; a prize; the cheddar, waiting for me at the end of my trek. Actually, only one ultimate goal, but a myriad of smaller prizes here and there along the way. Any goal takes hard work and commitment to grab the prize. Finishing college. Getting my weight down. Getting tonight’s goal of finishing homework submitted before midnight.

One goal I have managed to complete is 3 cycles of the 21-Day Brain Detox, authored by Dr. Caroline Leaf. That was major for me.

Round one (the first 21-day cycle) the issue I dealt with was allowing other people to determine my value. Round two; I didn’t deserve to be loved AND I must have done something to deserve to be burned. Round three; I forgive myself.

Replacing harmful thoughts is not an easy task, but the prize is worth it. Keep at it. I want to stress how important it is to involve the Holy Spirit in this process. God is the creator of your soul, and knows exactly what it is you need to address and why. Chances are that deep down inside in your subconscious, you know too. Sometimes we need help to bring it into our conscious awareness. In my next post, I hope to share exact steps how I work on this.

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